The Blyth community.
The strong Blyth Community has been built around the wonderful volunteers in the district who have given their time and services to provide the great facilities in the town. The sporting clubs are prime examples as well as other community groups..
The BLYTH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION meets bi-monthly and is a small group with objects to foster and promote cultural activities in Blyth and to encourage and nurture the strong volunteer system which forms the basis of the Blyth Community.
A bimonthly newsletter, “A Town Like Blyth”, is produced to keep the Blyth community in contact with each other and supports all clubs and organisations in the district. Local businesses, community groups and Wakefield Regional Council sponsor the newsletter enabling it to be freely distributed to residents in the district.
A yearly free Community Calendar advertising local businesses and meeting dates within the community is available from the Post Office at the end of each year .
Progress members organise the annual AUSTRALIA DAY celebrations, ANZAC DAY service followed with a morning tea and the community favourite the CHRISTMAS STREET CARNIVAL which commenced in 1966.
The BLYTH COMMUNITY HALL is one of the very few halls that is still owned and maintained by the community. Built in 1904, additions have made the Hall one of the cleanest and best equipped in the district. Fundraisers, community and families use the Hall/annexe/supper room/kitchen at very reasonable rates. Includes public/disabled toilets. A community library is open on a Friday afternoon at the front of the Community Hall
BLYTH PRIMARY SCHOOL caters for students from Reception to Year 7. The school has a strong teaching focus on literacy, numeracy and science as well as the arts, including music, and all students participate in the popular Wakakirri Festival. Like many small farming towns schools, Blyth Primary is an integral part of the local community.
The BLYTH DEVELOPMENT BOARD encourages development of town businesses, social amenities, sporting clubs and growth in residential housing.
BLYTH TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH services are held every Sunday morning with a morning cuppa after 9am or 9.30am services. A Christmas Story Presentation is held Christmas Eve with the children and community being involved.
BLYTH COMMUNITY NETWORK is a Christian group with representatives of different faiths providing events that encourage community interaction. They also organise ecumenical events in Blyth.
BLYTH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE consists of representatives from local sporting clubs and community groups with meetings held quarterly.
The objects of the committee:
are to foster and promote civic and community spirit, cultural, sporting and recreational activities in Blyth;
to form a union between the groups in the area to ensure that resources are not wasted;
to encourage and nurture the strong volunteer system which forms the basis of the Blyth Community;
to provide and manage community properties and facilities within the Blyth district. The Committee encourages members to liaise with each other and take in the bigger picture for Blyth.
The STORM WATER RETENTION COMMITTEE, which commenced in 1999, ensures storm water is captured from the surrounds and the Blyth township into 2 dams to water the Blyth Oval and Tennis courts. The committee is active in seeking initiatives to harvest as much water as possible to save the community money and provide a greener Blyth.
BLYTH CFS has a group of passionate crew who continue to update their knowledge of fighting fires and be on call for any emergency.
BLYTH PLAYGROUP is held during school terms at the Blyth Primary School. Parents or carers with children 0-5yrs enjoy a cuppa, chat and general activities to keep everyone amused.